Powerful self affirmations

Are you reading your self affirmations? I can’t think of a better way of saying this, reciting affirmations are one of the things you can do to help boost your self esteem and confidence. Maybe you’re someone who never takes things like this serious.

I want to share a some of my self affirmations and you can feel free to make it yours a well. Another way you can practice this is by actually sitting down for at least 20 mins to write down yours. It doesn’t have to be perfect feel free to edit it over time. Additionally, if you would like to have personalized self affirmations made specially for you don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Before you begin this exercise take a deep breath, relax and recite all the affirmations out loud. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, I know how imposter syndrome can sometimes make us feel unworthy of what we are and what we have achieved so far. You got this okay?

I’m exactly where I’m meant to be

I only attract peace, love and abundance

I’m embracing all new opportunities that come my way

I’m a source of love, peace and abundance to the world

I’m strong confident and resilient

Everything is working in my favor

The best is yet to come

I’m learning and growing as a human being

I make healthy choices

I will not compare myself to anyone

I’m in charge of how i feel everyday and i choose to be happy

I’m very a supportive, reliable and good friend

My presence is a sign of growth, development and abundance

After reading this a few times in a week, month, or year you should’ve seen a whole lot of difference.

PS ; Click on my Spotify if you haven’t listened to my podcast.

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